Electrolysis Hair Removal


Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis is a long term hair removal solution that works by targeting the individual hair follicle with an electrical impulse that eventually destroys the hair growth. A series of appointments are required to achieve permanent hair removal. Electrolysis is the perfect treatment to treat white/grey hairs or a localised area. For larger areas such as the legs laser hair removal is a more efficient form of permanent hair removal.

Treatment Summary

Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal that uses an electrical impulse to target an individual follicule to eventually destory hair growth. A number of sessions is needed to acheive permanent hair removal. This is the perfect treatment to treart grey/white hair or a localised area.

Areas We Treat

Face & body.

Downtime and Frequency

Refrain from touching the area for 24 hours. Avoid swimming and saunas. Use gentle products on the skin for 5-7 days. A number of sessions will be required. The therapist will reccomend this following a consultation.

Procedure Time

30- 45 minutes depending on area being treated.

Price List

  • Electrolysis Hair Removal First Appointment: £53
  • 20 minute Hair Removal: £33
  • 30 minute Hair Removal: £38
  • 45 minute Hair Removal: £53
  • 60 minute Hair Removal: £78

Book an appointment

Get in touch to discuss your needs or to book an appointment. Our friendly and helpful trained staff are ready to advise.