Forma V Feminine Wellness


Forma V Feminine Wellness

Forma V offers solutions that address internal and external vaginal health concerns, with clinically proven feminine wellness technologies. The Forma V is a feminine wellness treatment that uses radio frequency to heat up the tissues, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles which will improves urinary stress incontinence (USI), improve vaginal dryness & stimulate collagen and laxicity.

One of our trained practitioners uses FormaV with a patient.

Forma V can also be used externally to improve the loss of collagen to the labia majora. This is a gentle and non-ablative treatment with little to no down time.

After a full medical consultation with one of our trained Forma V Nurses you will be asked to lay on the bed, a small probe is inserted into the vagina. This probe heats the vaginal wall to improve strength and control.

Results: Can be seen 2 weeks after just one treatment. 1-3 treatments are recommended.

Restrictions: To be discussed at consultation. Available at Innersense Aesthetics Medical York

Treatment Summary

FormaV uses radiofrequency to improve vaginal aesthetics and tightness. Radiofrequency energy helps to firm tissues in order to stimulate vaginal tightening

Areas We Treat

Vagina, labia majora

Downtime and Frequency

Forma V is an essentially painless procedure with no downtime due to its precise technology and deep-layer targeting of the skin. Slight redness in the treatment area is common post-procedure, which subsides within a few hours.

Procedure Time

45 minutes

Price List

  • One Session: £350 per treatment

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